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You can now stay at Peter Andre’s personal holiday home for less than $60

The pool at Peter Andre’s Villa Amelia. Photo / Airbnb
Peter Andre fans can now rent the singer’s plush Cyprus holiday villa for less than $60 a night.
The only catch is that for that price, you’ll have to invite another nine guests.
And no, one of those guests is unlikely to be Andre himself. Unless you know him personally.
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Villa Amelia is located in a pretty Cypriot village in Pervolia – Larnaka, just 13 minutes by car from the airport, and a mere three minutes’ drive from the golden sands of Careta Beach.
With prices starting from $574 per night, and five bedrooms sleeping up to two guests, you too can live the celebrity lifestyle, albeit for a fraction of the price if you fill every room.
Sleeping up to 10 guests, the villa could be all yours for $57.40 a night.
There is also a large swimming pool, tennis court and retina-punching red kitchen, with Andre generously including complimentary Wi-Fi and parking in the price.
Unfortunately, there is no waterfall on the property – something fans of the 1996 hit song, Mysterious Girl may be disappointed to find out. But the holiday vibes are on par with a six-packed Andre writhing in the sea.
Back in March, Andre announced the official opening of the villa via his Instagram and X account, in partnership with Ezoria Villas. Ever the family man, Andre celebrated the launch by giving away a 5-night stay to “one lovely family”.
Most excitingly, Andre frequents the villa himself – something you can remind yourself while frolicking in the same pool where Andre takes a cool dip.
As eagle-eyed fans will know, the villa often features on the star’s Instagram feed, with the performer sharing pictures of his young family having fun.
Although the residence, listed on villa-rental company, Ezoria as well as Airbnb and, neglects to disclose Andre as the owner, The Sun reports that the singer “bought the land with his dad 20 years ago, before building the entire property”.
Don’t be expecting a wild time though – there are house rules. Andre may have dropped some of the coolest club tunes of the 90s (or possibly just the one), but Villa Amelia is far from a party house.
Stag dos and hen parties are not permitted, and all-male or all-female groups are banned.
In addition, all main guests must be more than 25 years old.
It seems Andre would prefer to attract responsible types to stay at his home away from home – because it’s one thing breaking the odd glass at your Coromandel bach; quite another to destroy Peter Andre’s holiday villa 20 years in the making.
